The office is composed of the management, the project staff and the administrative staff. The work is supported by student assistants.
Bültenweg 17 (2. OG)
38106 Braunschweig
Dipl.-Soz. Juliette Wedl
Head of BZG and project coordination
Room 204
Phone: +49-(0)531-391-4548
- Analysis of current situation, needs and potential as well as retrospective relevance check
- Accompanying the processes for developing a concept for establishing research-supporting structures to take gender dimensions in STEM disciplines into account
- Formulation and discussion of a structural design concept (GiB concept)
Dr. Susanne Kirchhoff
Teaching Coordinator of the TU Braunschweig
Room 205
Phone:+49 (0)531 391-4588
- Supporting and organizing the “Interdisciplinary Ring Seminar”
- Organization of ´inter alia` gender teaching assignments and guest lectures
- Event organisation
Annette Bartsch
Gender Certificate Coordinator at the TU Braunschweig
Room 205
Phone: +49 (0)531 391-4542
- Initiating and coordinating the gender certificate at TU Braunschweig
- Developing and implementing new curricula, e.g. as blended learning
- Networking
Jan Büssers
Referent BMBF-funded project “Geschlechterdimensionen im Blick der MINT-Forschung (GeDiMINT)”
Room 203A
Phone: +49 (0)531 391-4544
- Conception and implementation of research-supporting offers for the consideration of gender dimensions in STEM disciplines
- Communication and transfer
- Consultancy for projects and research projects on the relevance of gender dimensions
Francine Meyer
Referentin BMBF-funded project “Geschlechterdimensionen im Blick der MINT-Forschung (GeDiMINT)”
Room 207
Phone: +49 (0)531 391-4583
- Conception and implementation of research-supporting offers for the consideration of gender dimensions in STEM disciplines
- Communication and transfer
- Evaluation and modification of structures, processes and services of the GeDiMINT project for long-term establishment
Corinna Jacobi
Administrative Office
Room 207
Phone:+49 (0)531 391-4591
Student assistants
Nora Radatus, Anne-Kathrin Zimmermann, Katharina Altrock