GeDiMINT: The Project

Below you will find general information on the BMBF project “Geschlechterdimensionen im Blick der MINT-Forschung” (BMBF-funding code: 01FP23G08).

For further information, please contact the GeDiMINT-team 

In charge of the project

Head of the Project: Prof. Dr. Angela Ittel (President of the TU Braunschweig) >>
Scientific Management: Juliette Wedl (Head of the BZG) >>
GeDiMINT team: Jan Büssers & Francine Meyer >>
Mail adress:

University-internal individuals and institutions involved in the application process
Prof. Dr. Katja Koch (Vice President for Organisational Development and Teacher Training) >>
Prof. Dr. Bettina Wahrig (History of Pharmacy and Science, Faculty of Life Sciences) >>
Dr. Anne Fleige und Anke Formaniak (Head of Staff Development) >>
Dr. Philip Hahn (Head of Strategic University Development) >>
Andreas Hebbelmann (Head of Research Services) >>
Julius Othmer (Head of Team Innovation in University Development, Project House of the Presidential Board) >>
Ulrike Wrobel (Head of the Equal Opportunities Office) >>

Advisory board
Dr. Kirsten Anna van Elten (Head of Vocational & Education Department, IHK Braunschweig) >>
Prof. Dr. Martina Erlemann (Sociology of Science and Gender in Physics, FU Berlin) >>
Prof. Dr. Sabine Hark ((Interdisciplinary Women’s and Gender Studies, TU Berlin and Head of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Women’s and Gender Studies – ZIFG) >>
Prof. Dr. Anja Hesse (Head of the Department of Culture and Science of the City of Braunschweig and Honorary Professor of Cultural Management at Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences) >>
Andrea Morgan-Schönwetter (Head of Talent Acquisition SR der CARIAD SE) >>
Prof. Dr. Martina Schraudner (Fraunhofer Centre for Responsible Research and Innovation) >>

Project description
endeavour. In the GeDiMINT project, the holistic development towards excellence is strategically and intensively promoted through a multi-perspective collaboration of different specialist and discourse cultures. It is based on three pillars: Gender Research Support (advice & mediation), Gender Dialogues (exchange & incentives) and Knowledge Exchange (publicity & transfer).

The objective is to enable STEM researchers to independently integrate gender aspects based on the competence for a gender relevance assessment, to strengthen inter- and transdisciplinary cooperation with regards to gender dimensions and to sustainably secure the successful measures and make them available to the public. The resulting new research-supporting structures consolidate the university development plans and will be incorporated by them. Here, you can find information and results of the application phase (BMBF-funded project “Geschlechterdimensionen in MINT-Disziplinen. InnovationHub als Instrument ganzheitlicher Entwicklung (IH2E)”) >>

BMBF funding program “Gender Aspects in Focus (GiB)”

The BMBF-guideline “Geschlechteraspekte im Blick” aims at “ensuring needs-oriented consideration of the gender dimension in research and development in all scientific areas in order to promote excellence in research and thereby contribute to improving the lives of all people” (translated by GeDiMINT, see GiB announcement of July 21st, 2021). It is also important for international competitiveness. The detailed description of the GiB-funding program can be found on the BMBF website here (website only available in German). 

GeDiMINT is a BMBF-funded project at TU Braunschweig. It was initiated in cooperation with the Braunschweig Centre for Gender Studies.

The project coordinators are solely responsible for the content on this website.