The integration of gender dimensions into teaching is one of the central tasks of the coordination office, as it was previously in the BZG.
Own teaching: The courses offered include our cooperative course, the “Interdisciplinary Ring Seminar”, which is taught by the employees of the coordination office and lecturers from the three universities. This format also aims to expand interdisciplinary and cross-university collaborations.
In addition, individual courses are occasionally linked to other projects.
Teaching Assignments: In order to support the integration of gender into teaching, we finance gender teaching assignments wherever possible.
Guest lectures with a focus on gender studies may still be able to be financed through the coordination office. We regularly invite external speakers.
Teaching materials, that we developed in the BZG projects are still available to those interested.
(Visiting) professorships: In the past, the BZG has acquired numerous visiting professorships either cooperatively or in its main responsibility.