GeDiMINT: Benefits

GeDiMINT supports the structural development of the successful integration of gender dimensions in STEM research at TU Braunschweig. Below, you will find some Q&A how the TU Braunschweig benefits from this endeavour.

What is the added value in research when gender dimensions are taken into account?

TU Braunschweig’s excellent research makes it extremely competitive. In order to make this strength viable for the future and to remain internationally compatible, a fundamental consideration of gender dimensions in STEM research is an absolute necessity, when it comes to application and research on individuals whether they are human or non-human.

GeDiMINT helps to ensure that …

international standards and requirements for collaborative projects can be met: Research based in the STEM disciplines must also take gender dimensions into account and address issues that can be addressed in interdisciplinary collaboration with humanities and social sciences.
the relevance of gender dimensions as a criterion of quality and excellence by third-party funding institutions (e.g. DFG, EU, Exzellenzinitiative) can be successfully integrated from the very beginning of the application process to all stages of the research process.
one’s own research subject can be linked to existing best practices of integrating gender dimensions and to expand the perspective to other dimensions (intersectionality), where it is necessary.

What are the benefits of the project for TU Braunschweig?

As a project for structural development, GeDiMINT offers support on the strategically important path by …

creating structures and processes that support scientists in taking gender dimensions into account in a needs-oriented manner.
providing and securing tools and know-how to examine the relevance of gender dimensions in STEM research in an informed manner (e.g. standard of DFG & EU funding).
promoting interdisciplinary cooperation in order to integrate gender dimensions into one’s own research and to develop future-oriented solutions to global challenges (quality and excellence criterion, e.g. DFG, Exzellenzinitiative, EU).
supporting the implementation of innovative ideas in order to strengthen excellence and international competitiveness.

What could be impact of the project beyond its focus on TU Braunschweig?

In addition to the implementation of gender dimensions in STEM research at TU Braunschweig, GeDiMINT will also serve the transfer of structures to other institutions by …

developing best practice examples from TU Braunschweig’s research and structural development that can serve as a model for external research institutions.
promoting an exchange of knowledge and collaborations with scientists from other universities, thereby strengthening research beyond university boundaries.
strengthening regional and supra-regional cooperation and transfer; stakeholders from education, research and industry are represented in the project and can bring in their ideas and needs.
establishing a network of BMBF-funded GiB projects of the same BMBF-funding guideline, which both exchanges knowledge (such as materials, information, and so on) and promotes the transfer of best practices and structures.

GeDiMINT is a BMBF-funded project at TU Braunschweig. It was initiated in cooperation with the Braunschweig Centre for Gender Studies.

The project coordinators are solely responsible for the content on this website.