Personal career
since 2020: Managerin of the “BZG” (more information here)
since 2015: Part-time gender consultant and trainer, in particular for educational professionals, primariliy at the Waldschlösschen Academy >>
2015-2019: Further development of the communicative social and educational game “Identitätenlotto, Ein Spiel quer durchs Leben“ (“Identity Lotto. A game through life”), which was funded from March to September 2015 as part of the “in medias res: Media-supported teaching/learning environment” funding programme of the Technische Universität Braunschweig >>
2010-2019: Managing Director of the BZG with a focus on “Interdisciplinarity”, “Gender, School and Education” and promotion of “Science and Technology Studies” as well as head of the funded projects “Hochschule lehrt Vielfalt” (11/2017-12/2019), “Gender-Lehrmaterialien für Schule und Bildung” (10/2017-09/2019), “Gender spielend lernen“ (3/2015-9/2015), “Digitale Lehrmaterialien in den Gender Studies“ (10/2013-6/2019)
2008-2010: Staff member at the Braunschweig Centre for Gender Studies (BZG)
2001-2008: Freelance social scientist, primarily as a gender trainer and consultant as well as lecturer at the Free University of Berlin, the University of Potsdam and the European University Viadrina Frankfurt/O.
2000: Research stay in Paris (France) on discourse research in exchange with the working group “Langage & Société” and the gender working groups Gedisst and Mage of the CNRS
1998 – 2000: Research associate at the Berlin Institute for Social Research (BIS) as part of the study “Die Bedeutung von Technik für Familien in den neuen Bundesländern. Längschnittanalyse vor und nach der Wende”, (The significance of technology for families in the new federal states. Longitudinal analysis before and after reunification) >>
1999 – 2011 Editor of “Femina Politica“, a feminist political science journal >>
Academic background
Sociology (diploma), political science, educational science and psychology at the “Freie Universität“ Berlin
Teaching degree in social studies and art at the University of Kassel (1986-1988).
Part-time doctorate with Prof. Dr Sabine Hark at the “Technische Universität Berlin“ on discourse research and gender studies
Main areas of work and research
Queer and gender-reflective pedagogy, gender in teaching, interdisciplinary cooperation in gender studies, gender sociology, discourse research, (post-)structuralist theories
Publications see here