GeDiMINT: Date & News

On this page, you will find information on current, upcoming and past events of the GeDiMINT project.

Do you have an event that fits the topic and that other potential participants should know about? Please, let us know ( and we will add your event here.


Registration for FiD02 with Londa Schiebinger “Gendered Innovations meets TU Braunschweig” (December 10th, 2024) is open now. Please register here.

Upcoming events

December 5th, 2024: Online-event “Coffee Break: Gender dimensions – what does this mean?” (for postdocs). More information and registration via the Postdoc-programme.

December 10th, 2024: Forschung im Dialog No. 2 with an online-lecture by Prof. Londa Schiebinger (Stanford University): “Gendered Innovations meets TU Braunschweig” (hybrid), on-site at Haus der Wissenschaft. More information here

February 7th, 2025: Workshop “Successfully assessing the relevance of gender dimensions in research” (for postdocs). More information and registration via the Postdoc-programme.

March 12th & 26th, 2025: Workshop “Forschung zum Nutzen aller Menschen: Geschlechter- und Vielfältigkeitsdimensionen erkennen/berücksichtigen? Anforderungen an Forschung, Anträge und Beiträge in peer-reviewed Journals” for PhD candidates. Please register via GradTUBS.


November 27th, 2024: Presentation and discussion “SynTrac meets GeDiMINT; How sex and gender dimensions matter in Engineering ” at SynTrac Annual Meeting at the Universität Stuttgart.

November 8th, 2024: Conference “Synergien schaffen: MINT trifft Gender trifft MINT” at Haus der Wissenschaft (Braunschweig). More information and registration here.

October 30th, 2024: Online-event “Lunch Break: Geschlechter- und Vielfältigkeitsdimensionen in der Promotion berücksichtigen – aber wie?” for PhD candidates (GradTUBS)

October 15th, 2024: Presentation „Im Labor bleibt Geschlecht nicht draußen: Über Geschlechterdimensionen in den Naturwissenschaften“ within the Studium Generale-programme at TU Braunschweig

September 19th, 2024: Presentation „MINT trifft Gender trifft MINT: Gelingensbedingungen für einen fachkulturübergreifenden Dialog am Beispiel des BMBF-Projektes ‚Geschlechterdimensionen im Blick der MINT-Forschung (GeDiMINT)‘ der TU Braunschweig“ (Wedl/Büssers) at 10th ÖGGF-Conference “Humans – Machines – Environments” in Graz (Austria).

Start of the “Research in dialogue” series
The BMBF-funded project “Gender dimensions in the view of STEM research (GeDiMINT)” will introduce itself at the start of the “Research in dialogue” series on July 5th. Impulses on the conditions for the success of interdisciplinary research will introduce the discussion entitled “Interdisciplinary communication bridges. The event will be entirely German speaking – if you want to get in touch with us on the issue, feel free to contact us in English anytime.

June 19th, 2024: 2024: Participation at the Workshop/Hackathon „Gamification für gendersensible und intersektionale Lehre in der Medizin“ of the AG Geschlechtersensible Medizin inter alia with visiting professor Londa Schiebinger at Universität Bielefeld

June 13th, 2024: Booth at the fair of the TUmorrow Days at Universitätsplatz of TU Braunschweig from 14-18 o’clock

Feb.-Apr. 2024: The GeDiMINT team sets up the project infrastructure

Apr. 2024: Counselling and support of the cluster of excellence “QuantumFrontiers – Light and Matter at the Quantum Frontier

March 6th, 2024: Participation in the EUA meeting on Action 5

February 20th, 2024: Participation at iTUBS Transformittag

February 1st, 2024: GeDiMINT project launched at the TU Braunschweig

GeDiMINT is a BMBF-funded project at TU Braunschweig. It was initiated in cooperation with the Braunschweig Centre for Gender Studies.

The project coordinators are solely responsible for the content on this website.