The primary aim of the project is to reach members of TU Braunschweig and also to contribute to the transfer of knowledge to the public on the topic of “gender dimensions in STEM research”. Look out for us on different (public) platforms.
If you have further ideas or you are organizing an event in which the project should be presented, please contact us
TU Braunschweig media channels
All employees are continuously informed about the activities in the GeDiMINT project via TU-channels, including the TU website, the TU Magazin and the newsletter “Die Woche”. The TU Braunschweig’s social media channels are also used to reach out to students and graduates.
A structured and continuous exchange is also planned with the faculties, core research areas and service facilities, which will be linked to an annual project report.
Expansion of the research data management system
The visibility of gender-sensitive research will be increased by the TU Braunschweig’s Forschungsinformationssystem (FIS), which will be set up by 2025 as a management system for research data. This system asks the contributors to state whether or not gender dimensions have been taken into account- similar to the ethical relevance in the Digital Research Display DiFA.
Knowledge transfer for anyone interested in the vicinity of Braunschweig
To strengthen science communication, the conferences and part of the dialogue series in particular are integrated into the Haus der Wissenschaft curriculum. In this way, the public that is interested in science is automatically addressed, since the HdW is the local player in this regard.
The regional and national press is also involved in major events and examples of best practice.
GeDiMINT is a BMBF-funded project at TU Braunschweig. It was initiated in cooperation with the Braunschweig Centre for Gender Studies.
The project coordinators are solely responsible for the content on this website.