Organisational structure

Ab November 2022

The Braunschweig Centre for Gender Studies (BZG) has been an interdisciplinary and cross-university institution since it was founded in 2003. The TU Braunschweig, the Ostfalia HaW with its four campuses in Salzgitter, Suderburg, Wolfenbüttel and Wolfsburg and the HBK Braunschweig (DE) cooperate within it.

The BZG consists of
1. an administrative office,
2. the steering committee,
3. the Gender Network and
4. the advisory board.

The Administrative office is responsible for all three universities. It consists of a managing director, an administrative employee and a student assistant. Additional employees may be based at to the office through acquisition.

The office’s task is to support, coordinate and shape the content of the Centre’s work and to represent the BZG externally together with the steering committee. Institutionally, the office is linked to the Equal Opportunities Office at TU Braunschweig.

The Steering Committee has parity representation with one representative and one deputy from each university. They are elected by the network members from amongst the voting members. The central Equal Opportunities Officers are also members of the steering committee in an advisory capacity. Upon request, other persons can be consulted as advisors.

The steering committee guides the BZG together with the management and supports and at the same time, provides support and advise to the administrative office.

The Gender Network consists of voting and associate members as well as supporters. Members are academics and students who have a proven track record of in depth studying, teaching or researching gender studies topics. They significantly shape gender studies at the three universities.

University members who do not have a gender focus themselves, but contribute to strengthening it, can be part of the Gender Network as supporters.

The members (and their deputies) of the Advisory Board are appointed by the universities, whereby the number of advisory board members is based on the respective university structure. The central Equal Opportunities Officers of the universities are also members of the Advisory Board.

The advisory board serves to interlink the office with the faculties, institutes and facilities of the three universities. This contributes to the circulation of information in both directions: The office reports so that the board can contribute to embedding the activities within the academic subjects and decentralized university structures; for its part, the advisory board provides information regarding specific developments and needs so that the office can take these into account. The Advisory Board can be consulted in an advising capacity when developing strategies and measures.