The German Research Foundation (DFG), the European Union (EU), Exzellenzinitiative and other research funding bodies require applicants to take gender dimensions into account where it is necessary. In this regard, the requirement is to examine whether and how gender and other diversity dimensions are relevant in research in order to be able to describe in a qualified manner how this is taken into account in the project concept.
What can be expected?
As part of GeDiMINT, we are gradually expanding an information platform as a toolbox. In addition to general background information, case studies and materials will be collected here. These are based on the main topics and structures of TU Braunschweig.
In October 2024, the first revised and supplemented results will be published here in a user-friendly way using a faceted search. The toolbox will be gradually expanded with materials over the five-year project and enhanced to meet the specific needs of researchers at TU Braunschweig.
What is already there?
The IH2E project, the BMBF-funded concept phase for the development of the GeDiMINT project, has already described the tools for assessing the relevance of gender dimensions in the STEM field. Here, you will find a wide range of background information, case studies, materials and test instruments for checking the relevance of gender dimensions.
Your comments
We are interested in constantly expanding our content and would be pleased to receive your comments on further case studies, materials, platforms and/or collections. Reporting links that no longer work also helps us to stay up to date. Please feel free to send us an e-mail to

GeDiMINT is a BMBF-funded project at TU Braunschweig. It was initiated in cooperation with the Braunschweig Centre for Gender Studies.

The project coordinators are solely responsible for the content on this website.