The Gender Dimension in STEM Disciplines: InnovationHubs as a Way to Holistic Development (acronym of the title in German: IH2E)
BMBF funding line: Gender Aspects in Focus (GiB)
Duration of the 2nd application phase: July 2022 to January 2023
Project Head: Professor Dr. Angela Ittel, President of TU Braunschweig
Project Coordination: Juliette Wedl, Management of the Braunschweig Centre for Gender Studies (DE)
Persons involved in the 1st application: Professor Dr. Bettina Wahrig, History of Science and Pharmacy; Faculty of Life Sciences, Professor Dr.-Ing. Corinna Bath, Gender, Technology and Mobility; Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Ulrike Wrobel, Equal Opportunity Office; Julius Othmer, Project House of the Executive Board (DE); Andreas Hebbelmann, Research Services and European Office at the International House
Cooperating persons and facilities (as of: 1st application): Professor Dr. Rolf Radespiel, Cluster of Excellence SE²A – Sustainable and Energy-Efficient Aviation; Professor Dr. Antje Schwalb, DFG International Research Training Group TransTiP – Geo-ecosystems in Transition on the Tibetan Plateau; Professor Dr. Vanessa Carlow und Professor Dr. Eckart Voigts, core research area Future City
Brief description
The IH2E project offers support to researchers at TU Braunschweig on the strategically important path towards taking the gender dimension into account in STEM research. The systematic consideration of the gender dimension in STEM research is increasingly necessary and required in order to remain competitive and internationally compatible—especially in joint projects. At the same time, the BMBF project promotes interdisciplinary research cooperation, including between STEM disciplines and the humanities, cultural studies, social sciences and economics. In the concept development phase, the aim is to develop a sustainable concept for structural development in a dialogue process with researchers and research associations at the Braunschweig by November 2022. This concept defines binding milestones for the relevance check with regard to the gender dimension as well as contents, formats and incentive systems for an InnovationHub as a support structure for interdisciplinary research networks with a gender dimension. If approved, up to 850,000 euros will be made available for the implementation of these ideas over a maximum of five years.
IH2E-Plakat (DE)
GiB schedule concept and implementation phase
The project is currently being presented in faculties and in the context of research activities at TU Braunschweig in order to establish contact with researchers from all faculties.
In the concept phase, the project includes the following coordinated measures based on actual demand:
- inventory, demand and potential analysis
- exemplary retrospective relevance check on the basis of selected research associations
- academic group of experts “Gender aspects in the STEM disciplines”
- drafting of a sustainable concept for structural development (GiB concept)

IH2E is a project of TU Braunschweig. Funding was raised in cooperation with the Braunschweig Centre for Gender Studies.