BMBF-funded project GeDiMINT

„Gender dimensions in the view of STEM research (GeDiMINT)“

The BMBF project “ Geschlechterdimensionen im Blick der MINT-Forschung (GeDiMINT)“ at TU Braunschweig is based at the Braunschweig Centre for Gender Studies (BZG). The project aims at promoting the integration of gender dimensions in STEM research at the TU Braunschweig and transferring best practices to other universities. 

Head of Project: Prof. Dr. Angela Ittel, President of the TU Braunschweig
Scientific management: Juliette Wedl, Head of the Braunschweig Centre for Gender Studies
GeDiMINT team: Francine Meyer & Jan Büssers
Mail adress:

GeDiMINT Advisory Board: Dr. Kristen Anna van Elten (IHK Braunschweig), Prof. Dr. Martina Erlemann (FU Berlin), Prof. Dr. Sabine Hark (TU Berlin), Prof. Dr. Anja Hesse (City of Braunschweig), Andrea Morgan-Schönwetter (Cariad SE), Prof. Dr. Martina Schraudner (Fraunhofer CeRRI)

Project duration: February 1st, 2024 to January 31st, 2029

Funding: The GeDiMINT project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the funding line „Geschlechteraspekte im Blick (GiB)„.

The GeDiMINT concept consists of three fields of action and specific measures within each field:

Fields of action in the GeDiMINT-project

There are three fields of action „Gender Research Support„, „Gender Dialogues“ and „Knowledge Exchange„. Here, the TU Braunschweig develops tests and evaluates structures and processes that enable STEM researchers to independently integrate gender dimensions into their research. The various measures are described on the subpages of the individual fields of action. Furthermore, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary cooperation concerning gender dimensions shall be strengthened. Successful measures will be implemented to the TU structures and made accessible to the public.

Date & News

Here, you will find information on events and activities of the GeDiMINT project >>

The project

An overview of the people and institutions involved, information on the BMBF funding line and a project outline can be found here >>


Why is it important to consider gender dimensions in STEM research and what are the benefits of the GeDiMINT project for the research(ers) at TU Braunschweig? >>

Gender Research Support

Consulting and imparting will be achieved by a toolbox to assess the relevance of gender dimensions and offering support on various levels >>

Gender Dialogues

Multiple dialogue formats and competitive incentive structures offer space for exchange and implementation >>

Knowledge Exchange

Publications and networking activities ensure steady and sustainable knowledge transfer >>

Questions & Answers

Questions and answers concerning the project; also explaining crucial terms >>

Contact us

Are you interested in this topic? Feel free to contact us anytime >>

GeDiMINT is a BMBF-funded project at TU Braunschweig. It was initiated in cooperation with the Braunschweig Centre for Gender Studies.

The project coordinators are solely responsible for the content on this website.