Maria Udén: Located realism

Öffentlicher Vortrag im Rahmen des Promotionsprogramms KoMMa.G

Donnerstag, 30.11.2017, 18:30 Uhr
Schleinitzstr. 19, Raum SN 19.2
TU Braunschweig

Prof. Dr. Maria Udén (Luleå University of Technology, Schweden) spricht im Rahmen des Promotionsprogramm „Konfigurationen von Mensch, Maschine und Geschlecht“ (KoMMa.G) zum Thema „Located realism. A feminist engineer’s guest lecture about gravel, sand, soil, language, equations and other matters“.

The lecture expands on some themes covered in an article published in the Women’s Studies International Forum. It contains a personal account on the impact of Evelyn Fox Keller and Karen Barad, related to feminist engineering. With a stance in geotechnical and mining engineering, it suggests ideas on how there is coherence between engineering and the new realisms, or post-humanism.

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